So, what is the way out?

There is something in you which is actually pulling you to different directions. Since birth it drives you, it forces you, it makes you feel elated, it makes you feel depressed. But you feel confused as to what is happening to me, why am I doing something? Or why am I not able to do something? Oftentimes, in this chaos we forget to explore our own potentials. This abyss which leads to nowhere, it chains us so hard that we start to feel that we are a part of this maze. Here I would like to refer to The Allegory of the Cave by Plato.

Socrates : asks his students to think of some people who live under the Earth in a cave like dwelling, the entrance of the cave is far away. And these people have been in that cave since birth and shacked by the legs and neck. They are not able to move around or turn their heads so they can only see the things which come in front of their face. There is a fire burning behind them and certain objects move here and there and they can see the shadows of these objects as they can not move due to chains. They start to believe that in the world only these shadows exist and nothing else. Later on, one of these prisoners tries to run away breaking his chains but unfortunately he is not able to tackle the world outside the cave, so he comes back and joins his fellow prisoners again. I think this is our story,  we get afraid to face the challenges or struggles which lie ahead and very quickly we give up and start to follow the same old routines which lead to nowhere. So, I am asking you, Do you want to become these cavemen of a free spirit with its own perspective? Quite often we believe the shadows but not the real objects.

We accept the things as they are without questioning whether we really believe in those things. Most of our lives are spent in the war between head and heart. The brain does not understand the emotions and the heart has no idea of rationale.

For many years I kept on listening to the voices of the outside world and thought success is something which is in front of me in some form but it is not something which I can embrace. I kept on looking around and seek validation. I kept on thinking like a waiting passenger on station that where is my train? When will I board the vehicle of success. I was working hard, learning new things, letting others make use of my skills and still be compared with the people around even heard some derogatory words which I didn’t deserve.

Then one day I had my enlightenment, I was sitting under the tree of salvation. No, It’s just a joke. There was no enlightenment or any tree, just a voice which was already there within me but I ignored it every time it tried to guide me but this time I paid attention to it and that made all the difference.

This voice is present in all of us and sometimes we need to accept it, pay heed to it and move ahead with great power, known as Leap of faith. Trust. Trust on whom? Trust our own abilities. Pholosopher mathematician Pascal calls us ‘creatures of absurdity’, simply because we value others more than ourselves knowing that others just like us have no answer to the perennial questions of existence and life struggles.

So why not for once we trust your own voice and internal strife and try to live life meaningfully. May be Shakespeare is right when he suggests that the world has no meaning, it is actually us who give meaning to it. And this inner voice is trying to convey something very deep.Why do we act like those cavemen and don’t try to get out of the cave and witness the vast opportunities spread in the Universe. When are we going on this journey which will take us to our real destination or goals or dreams?

Leaving the comfort zone: is tremendously important. No one can just sit in their most comfortable place and hit the target without any effort. The more you entre into the complex situation the more you are going to find the passion to find out solutions to get out of it.And once that solution is found out, it paves the way towards achievement.

Trusting your gut feeling: is as important as listening to your mentors. Your Gut feeling knows your fears, hesitations and anxieties. We are socially conditioned to think that we need validation from other people. We must ask others before taking any decisions and we tend to ignore this gut feeling or intuitive powers of ours. But for once just listen to this gut feeling, take the decision and see the magic happening.

Perseverance: is another big trait. None of us can achieve great heights in life without grit or perseverance. No matter what we need to stick to our ambition and keep on giving it a try on daily basis. There may be times when the things would seem going offtrack. Nobody to give us the shoulder to cry but so what no matter what the outside world seems like we have to keep on moving ahead.

The real power lies in being alone: and taking our dreams to the next level. I believe to dream small is actually insulting the creation of the Universe or Almighty. Whenever I feel like giving up I watch the live stream videos of NASA showing the Earth through satellite. Watch it once today itself and you will realize the power of being alone and keep on surviving. The image of the Earth having distinct geographical features and spinning on its own, nobody to talk to, nobody to be envious of, nobody around to give assurance but a deep calmness. Though on her surface she has wars going on, floods at some places and droughts at others but still its calm.That is the power of being powerful on our own.I learnt it from the Earth.

Most of us feel that the best thing to move ahead in life is to avoid the world, shut the world and not to participate in anything. Comfortable life or if I can say the so called peaceful life.Its not peaceful actually, its our way of avoiding our own fears. We tend to imagine the negative outcomes more often than the positive ones. And our brain helps us a lot in this. It assists us to imagine all black and gloomy things quickly and help the inner strife to strengthen itself. These human fears lead me to think about the psychological state of Yuri Gagarin the first man in the space, what made him so fearless to take the challenge of going outside the planet, and telling himself that All is well so what if no human being has ever gone out,that also in a man made device.I would have refused that and told Russian space agency to bring assurance from God that I can go out of Earth but he did take the risk and kept himself alive in the history books.

Tear through the clouds of body You are the magnificent moon. You are like a hawk whose feet are bound Tethered to the body- It is with your own claws That you must untie the knots.

How come Rumi knew it in the year around 1250 . This was the internal agony, the continuous strife that made him question his own being and seeking the answers of the unknown and ultimately realizing that what you seek is seeking you. The whole treasure hiding inside us is actually craving for us to start the journey within.

Rupinder Maliya ( Founder & Owner Vision Upgraded )

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