5 Top Recommended Movies to Boost Your IELTS Listening and Vocabulary for Beginners

Improving your IELTS listening skills and expanding your vocabulary doesn’t have to be a tedious task; it can be quite enjoyable. One highly effective and entertaining way to enhance your skills is by watching movies in English. Films expose you to a variety of accents, vocabulary, and natural conversation patterns, all of which are essential for success in the IELTS exam.

At the major coaching IELTS centre Jalandhar, they emphasize the importance of incorporating real-life language exposure into your preparation strategy. Watching movies in English can provide you with this exposure, helping you better understand native speakers and pick up new words and phrases. By focusing on a range of genres and styles, you’ll encounter different levels of language complexity that mirror what you’ll face in the IELTS Listening test.

In this blog, we will recommend five movies that are perfect for beginner-level learners. These films are not only engaging but also offer rich vocabulary and dialogue that will enhance your listening skills. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and immerse yourself in an enjoyable learning experience while improving your IELTS listening abilities and vocabulary.

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a heartwarming movie that tells the story of a simple man with a big heart. The dialogue is clear and spoken at a slow pace, making it easy to follow for English beginners. This film features a variety of American accents, which helps you get used to different ways people speak. It’s a great choice for improving your listening skills, comprehension, and pronunciation. Plus, the touching story will keep you entertained while you learn, making the process both enjoyable and educational.

The Social Network

The Social Network is a movie that gives a look into the tech world and the creation of Facebook. The language used in the movie is modern and conversational, which is helpful for learning how people speak in today’s world. It introduces contemporary vocabulary and informal speech, making it perfect for improving your understanding of everyday English. The movie is also fast-paced, so it will help you get used to listening to real conversations. Watching The Social Network is a great way to learn new words while enjoying a story about technology and success.

The King’s Speech

The King’s Speech is a movie about a historical figure who struggles with a speech problem. It tells the story of King George VI and his efforts to overcome his speech difficulties. The film uses formal and elegant language, which is useful for learning how to speak in a more polished and proper way. Watching this movie will help you understand how to use formal English and improve your pronunciation. The story is inspiring and the dialogue is clear, making it a great choice for learning while enjoying a powerful historical drama. 

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happyness is a touching movie about a man who faces many life challenges while trying to create a better future for himself and his son. The film includes conversations about real-life struggles and emotions, making it great for learning everyday dialogue. You will hear natural and heartfelt expressions that can help you understand how people talk about their feelings and experiences. This movie is not only inspiring but also useful for improving your English skills, especially in understanding how people express themselves in real situations. It’s a moving story that also helps you learn new words and phrases. 

The Devil Wears Prada

The Devil Wears Prada is a movie set in a fast-paced fashion workplace. It shows the busy world of high fashion and includes many fashion-related terms. The film is helpful for learning business vocabulary and expressions used in a professional setting. Watching this movie will expose you to words and phrases often used in the fashion industry and corporate environments. The dialogue is quick and lively, so it also helps you practice understanding fast conversations. Overall, it’s a fun way to learn useful business language while enjoying an entertaining story about the fashion world.


Watching movies is a fun and exciting way to improve your IELTS listening skills and vocabulary. By adding these five recommended films to your study plan and using the tips we share, you can make great progress in learning English. This will help you do better on the IELTS exam. For extra support, consider visiting an IELTS coaching centre in Jalandhar. They can provide more personalized guidance to help you reach your goals. Enjoy the movies while you learn, and watch your English skills grow! 

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